Well Happy Halloween!
This picture is from The Rise of the Jack ‘o Lanterns, which I saw last night. It was really cool! Those are all carved pumpkins and there were thousands and thousands of them. Pretty mind blowing.
I’ve been battling a little flu bug/Ebola thing, but it’s nothing too bad, just feeling a little crappy physically. I tried to take it easy yesterday other than going to this event last night, but today I mostly worked.
I wrote the above a couple of days ago and I thought I would come back and re-edit this entire post because I was pretty sick when I wrote it and forgot half the things I wanted to write in it at the time I was writing it, so here we go…
I’m working on a 40 x 60 inch abstract landscape in oil. This is just the underpainting.
Now it looks like this, as of today, which is Sunday, November 2nd. (Sorry about all the nasty shadows.)
I also managed to complete a few others that I had mentioned since last time, like Peyote’s Walk:
Rock Creature:
and Emanations:
I know it seems like I’m getting a lot of work done, but I’m still behind, and now I find out that the gallery would like to move my show up two weeks into March, which as you might guess, is quite the conundrum since I’m hardly on target as it is.
I’m not sure what I’m going to do about this little problem yet. I’m either going to have to edit the show that I intended to exhibit a bit, or bring in a few older pieces to tie into the exhibit – which wouldn’t be totally weird since I make reference to a few older paintings in my movie.
So the new opening date is now Thursday, March 19th, 2015. You got that?
In other news, the movie is coming along, slowly but surely. We just recorded the final voice over. The movie is narrated throughout by yours truly.
I also now have the little television that the movie will be playing through at the show and it’s so old skool cool, it’s not even funny. See?
It’s from 1975. Classic! It’s small, but that’s the way I wanted it. People will be sitting on lawn chairs inside the tent and watch it at a close distance.
I have four chairs so far that I’ve been storing in my studio. I’m not really sure how many I will need.
I don’t expect 20 people watching this thing at a time. I’m sure more people will be milling about the gallery.
As for my scheduling, it’s going to be really tight. I need as many days to work as possible. I get tired a lot, so it makes it a little difficult, but it is what it is.
I have discovered a few little time savers here and there. I can share them – like canvases take longer than gessoboards, and painting flat (once you’ve drawn out your composition that is) is faster than painting upright. But now that I’m onto larger pieces, that might not be possible. We’ll see. I might have to stand and paint flat at my upright cutting table.
Painting this large one is going to take some time. After I am done with it, I’m going to feel like I got myself over quite a hurdle.
I also will work on the largest panel next. I haven’t even prepped it yet. It still needs to be sanded and sealed, but I know exactly what it’s going to look like already! 🙂
It would be nice to have that done before my curator, Anne Hromodka, comes for her studio visit on the 14th. The only thing is – I’m also doing these small watercolors too. They are actually for the movie. I am also framing them to display them in the show. They are animated in the movie (just a little) and each represent a “burden” I’m leaving behind in my life. There will be 11 in all. I think I have already showed the one that represents “depression.”
Anyway, those all need to be completed by the 11th to be incorporated into the film, plus Photoshopped into transparencies, so I don’t know how much I can get accomplished before the studio visit in actual fact. I’m at least half finished with the watercolors though. Hurrah.
God, this must be so boring!
Anyway, that’s it.