Alrighty Folks! Here we are at the final home stretch of this thing.
I am so unbelievably delighted that we’ve come this far already. Really – I couldn’t be happier to have reached my goal — and then some! I will even be able to pay the Kickstarter Fees now! So a HUGE thanks to all that have contributed so far. Thank you.
This will be the second to the last update – as far as the fundraising campaign leg goes. I will be sending out one more in a week from today – Saturday morning. That update will have a good deal of information about what comes next, because, officially, that’s when my project will start.
Yeah, I know. I don’t waste any time! I like to dive right into things. It’s because I can’t wait to get to work!
In the meantime: I am not finished fundraising!
There are SIX MORE DAYS to contribute! So, it’s time for me to get annoying!
I want you to reach deep, s p r e a d the word, tell your friends and family, share, share share on your social media networks, and call the Pope!
Please help me make this Kickstarter like one of those crazy, world-famous ones that break the glass ceiling in the last moments of its existence. Let’s at least try.
In return, I promise you very unique rewards, and a very thought-provoking, engaging (and pretty) solo exhibition next spring at Shulamit Gallery.
Thanks for reading.