Home Stretch: 6 More Days!
Alrighty Folks! Here we are at the final home stretch of this thing.
I am so unbelievably delighted that we’ve come this far already. Really – I couldn’t be happier to have reached my goal — and then some! I will even be able to pay the Kickstarter Fees now! So a HUGE thanks to all that have contributed so far. Thank you.
This will be the second to the last update – as far as the fundraising campaign leg goes. I will be sending out one more in a week from today – Saturday morning. That update will have a good deal of information about what comes next, because, officially, that’s when my project will start.
Yeah, I know. I don’t waste any time! I like to dive right into things. It’s because I can’t wait to get to work!
In the meantime: I am not finished fundraising!
There are SIX MORE DAYS to contribute! So, it’s time for me to get annoying!
I want you to reach deep, s p r e a d the word, tell your friends and family, share, share share on your social media networks, and call the Pope!
Please help me make this Kickstarter like one of those crazy, world-famous ones that break the glass ceiling in the last moments of its existence. Let’s at least try.
In return, I promise you very unique rewards, and a very thought-provoking, engaging (and pretty) solo exhibition next spring at Shulamit Gallery.
Thanks for reading.
(Not Officially) Funded!
We made it boys and girls!!!
Dan is even shouting most of the colors he can shout in! I think that means he’s happy. Well, I’m happy.
Today, thanks to Shula, the owner of Shulamit Gallery, we were able to push the funding over our goal. She pledged $2K because she rocks however!, not just thanks to her, but each and every contribution made so far! It’s just as difficult, if not more in some cases for others to pony up money — and do not think that eludes me, it does NOT! It was a LOT of work to get to that 67% mark!
But, I had no idea that I’d be coming back here less than a day later to make such an announcement, and we STILL have 14 days left to go!
Now I have to get to work. I have to write that 10 Commandments book, I have to find those old Joshua Tree postcards. I just have some work to do and I better start early, if I can, with no money in hand. We’ll see what I can get accomplished anyway.
Thank you, everyone! Thank you thank you thank you!
half way through!
As seen on the “An Exodus in Joshua Tree” Kickstarter comments.
I know I said that yesterday was the half way mark of the campaign, but maybe today is? I’m not exactly sure. Today, we officially have 15 days left in the campaign, and I am very happy to announce that we are a bit more than half-way funded at 61% — NOT TOO SHABBY!
Thank you all so much! Especially those of you that came back and actually increased your pledges. You really didn’t have to do that, but I am sure happy that you did! Wow, wow, WOW!!!
You all might have noticed that I added a few more rewards since I originally posted this campaign, like the Dog Tree prints, a few extra Today’s Quandary. books, a special paperback of Monsters, and a very rare copy of Scribbles in a Sandstorm, not to mention a special Sweetnsour Pie, THE PRINT from the Farber | Es book and my first etching.
That’s a lot of extra rewards!
And I’ll keep adding more if I have to.
Don’t forget to tell your friends, and tell them to tell their friends’ friends, and so on and so on – and not about a certain shampoo, but about THIS CAMPAIGN!